Monday, 11 November 2013

臭氣熏天 (To smell to high heaven)

家是每個人的安樂窩(cozy nest),但試想有一天你回到家,聞到一陣惡臭(to sniff an overpowering stench),又不知從何散發出來(to emanate from)。為免臭氣沖天(to stink/ smell to high heaven),你一定會設法找出「元兇」。以下十種除臭(deodorizing)良方可幫到你︰

1. Sprinkle baby powder on every inch of your floor (The powder is cheap so there is little reason to skimp.)

Baby Powder: 爽身粉 (= talcum powder)
To skimp: 節省著用 (to skimp on fuel in winter︰冬天時節省著用燃料.)

2. Put your shoes on the windowsill to air them out.
Windowsill: 窗台
To air out: 使通通風 (To air out the smoke-filled room)

3. Use air freshener to mask the pervasive smell of cigarette smoke
Air freshener: 空氣清新劑
To mask the smell: 蓋住氣味
i. 四處彌漫的 (the pervasive odor of garlic)
ii. 無處不在的 (the pervasiveness of computer technology︰電腦技術的普及)

4. Put citrus fruit skins around the inconspicuous areas that harbor odors

Citrus fruit: 柑橘屬水果(如橘子、檸檬、西柚
Inconspicuous︰不顯眼的 (an inconspicuous grey building)
To harbor
i. 使源起 (patients who may have been harboring the disease)
ii. 窩藏 (罪犯) (to harbor an escaped prisoner)

5. Burn some incense to give off a lovely fragrance

Incense (香,可用作芳香療法 aromatherapy,非宗教用途)
To give off: 散發出 (The flowers give off a heady scent︰這些花散發出醉人的芳香)

6. Spritz a few drops of your favorite perfume or an eau de toilette into your washing machine in its final rinse.

To spritz︰噴 (to spritz water on a surface)
Rinse: 沖洗 (the removal of soap with clean water in the final stage of washing)

7. Place a bar of sweet-smelling soap in your closet.

8. Install an exhaust fan to ventilate the room

Exhaust fan︰抽氣扇
To ventilate: 使通風 (badly ventilated rooms)

9. Make sure there are is no mucky washing strewn around.

Mucky: very dirty (My hands are all mucky)
Washing: 待洗衣物 [不可數名詞]
To be strewn: 散佈滿地的 (a litter-strewn street. 垃圾遍地的街道)

10. To dissipate the odor of moth balls from your closet.

Moth balls︰樟腦丸臭丸
To dissipate︰消散 (The tension in the room dissipated.︰房間裡的緊張氣氛消失了。)

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