Monday 11 November 2013

怪獸家長 (Helicopter parents)

怪獸家長(或直升機家長)最喜歡在子女的頭頂盤旋 (to hover overhead),一有事就飛到身邊解救他們。有人說這種家教方法(parenting style) 是過度保護孩子 (overprotective),甚至有點專橫 (overbearing)。為免阻礙子女獨立成長的需要(to undermine their children’s need to feel independent),父母應該有放手(to lighten up)的時候,否則將來會懊悔不已(to be contrite)。

Adversity (逆境) was once a (1) fixture in the average kid’s life – from the (2) scant chance of getting into college to the nightly struggle to get enough (3) grub at a table full of (4) ravenous brothers and sisters.

1. Fixture: something that always seems to be there. (總會有的事情)
She was a fixture in New York's nightclubs...
The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens.

2. Scant: very little (少之又少)
Companies with scant regard for the safety of future generations

3. Grub: food [informal]
Get yourself some grub.

4. Ravenous: extremely hungry 
The ravenous children ate everything on the table.
To have a ravenous appetite

Helicopter parents have become (5) the butt of jokes….

5. The butt of jokes (嘲笑的對象)
He is still the butt of cruel jokes about his humble origins.

So the next time if your kid … (6) flubs a soccer game … tell your kid to (7) buck up and figure out what to do next.

6. Flub: to make a mess of ( 做得不好)
she glanced at her notes and flubbed her lines

7. To buck up: to cheer up
The aim was to buck up their spirits in the face of the recession.


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