Monday, 11 November 2013

漫畫迷 (A Comic Fanatic)

又一則令人感動的新聞︰Anthony Smith小朋友聽力不健全(hearing-impaired),但他拒絕戴助聽器(hearing aid)。男孩的媽媽因為這件事很頭痛,於是寫信給兒子喜歡的英雄漫畫網站,問他們有沒有失聰的英雄可以給兒子作榜樣。出版社靈機一觸,將Anthony的名字刊登在封面,還把助聽器畫成英雄的新武器THE BLUE EAR。從此Anthony不再自卑,還很驕傲地到處向朋友展示他的「新耳朵」。

Her (1) superhero-fanatic son, who is deaf in one ear and partially deaf in the other, refused to wear his blue hearing aid because "superheroes don't wear hearing aids" either.
(1)  Fanatic ….狂熱者 (a person with an obsessive interest in and enthusiasm for a particular activity) {Oxford Online}

A fitness fanatic {Oxford Online} One cover features a younger Anthony and his buddy Hawkeye ready to fight crime. The other shows an older version of Blue Ear (2) perched on a rooftop, (3) tapping into his superpower and listening to a faraway call for help.

(2)    To perch on︰坐在頂端坐在邊緣 (to be situated above or on the edge of something) {Oxford Online}
He perched on the corner of the desk... 

(3)  To tap (into)︰(充分)利用開發 (to use or benefit from someone’s ability or a supply of information) {Macmillan}
Are you tapping your staff’s full potential? {Macmillan}These magazines have tapped into a target market of consumers. {Macmillan} Peter Parker… constantly (4) gets picked on at school…

(4)  To pick on︰故意刁難欺負 (to repeatedly single out someone for criticism or unkind treatment in a way perceived to be unfair) {Oxford Online}
要欺負就找個同級數的! Rosemann and his team collaborated with Phonak, the maker of Anthony's hearing aid, and came up with a poster to be distributed in doctors' offices across the country in an effort to (5) destigmatize kids with hearing aids. 

(5)  To destigmatize: 不讓人瞧不起使不受歧視 (to remove associations of shame or disgrace from) {Merriam-Webster}
Destigmatize mental illness {Merriam-Webster} 


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