Monday 11 November 2013

振作!(Pull yourself together! )



  1. Stopping acting like a baby! Pull yourself together!  別耍孩子氣了,振作起來。
  Pull oneself together 常用在口語中,意思就是重新振作起來,鎮靜下來。

  2. Chin up! Only two exams left.  別垂頭喪氣的!只剩兩門考試了。
  Chin up或者keep your chin up 就是別灰心,別氣餒。當別人處境困難時,可以用這句話鼓勵。

  3. Be prepared for a rough time. And hang in there.  準備吃苦,堅持下去。
  Hang in there 別泄氣,堅持下去。當朋友想要放弃的時候,說這句話,讓他們咬牙堅持下去。

  4. I'm sure it'll work out.  別擔心總會有辦法的。
  Work out(某種事情)有效的,切實可行,成功。比如:The plan worked out badly. 計劃實行得很不成功。

  5. You can do anything if you really want to. That's the spirit!  只要你想做,你就一定能做得到。那才是好樣的!
  Thats the spirit! 用于鼓勵他人的勇氣、决心,意思是那樣才對,那才算好樣的。

  pull oneself together 振作起來
  chin up 別灰心,別氣餒
  hang in there 堅持住
  It'll work out. 總會有辦法的
  Thats the spirit! 那樣才對,那才算好樣的

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