Sunday 10 November 2013

垃圾蟲 (litterbug)


今日就等我地 一齊睇下關於「蟲」既字。

(1) 垃圾蟲:

i) litterbug: a person who carelessly drops litter in a public place. <Oxford Online>

(2) 淫蟲

i) pervert: a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable. <Oxford>

ii) lecher: a man who engages in inordinate indulgence in sexual activity <Merriam-Webster>

講開淫蟲,我地成日講既「色狼」都會直譯做color wolf。原來英文既wolf 真係有呢個意思。

wolf: a man forward, direct, and zealous in amatory attentions to women

she threatened to geld the wolf if he didn't stop making passes at her


(3) 懶蟲:

i) lazybones: a lazy person (M-W)

(4) 蛀米大蟲:

i) parasite: a person who is supported by or seeks support from another without making an adequate return <M-W>

ii) sponger/ sponger: a person that lives on others <Oxford>

(5) 應聲蟲:

i) yesman: a person who agrees with everything that is said... <M-W>

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