He was upset in the primary. (他在初選中大熱倒灶。) {m-w}
In a major upset, he took the gold medal. (他擊敗大熱,奪得金牌。) {m-w}
Her victory in the election was a big upset. (她在選舉中勝出,使大熱倒灶。) {m-w}
Daniel Day-Lewis, who has a reputation for (1) immersing himself in his roles, made Oscar history and won (2) a long standing ovation on becoming the first man to win three best actor Oscars.
(1) To immerse oneself in︰全心投入/ 完全沉浸於
(4) Low-key︰低調
(1) To immerse oneself in︰全心投入/ 完全沉浸於
Since then I've lived alone and immersed myself in my career. {iciba}
(2) A long standing ovation: 長時間的起立鼓掌
(2) A long standing ovation: 長時間的起立鼓掌
To give someone a huge/rapturous/rousing ovation {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
Taiwanese director Lee beat (3) front-runner Steven Spielberg in the directing race. Lee, who previously won best director in 2006 for "Brokeback Mountain", was typically (4) low-key and (5) self-deprecating in victory.
(3) Front-runner︰領先者/ 大熱 (the person who seems most likely to win) {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
(3) Front-runner︰領先者/ 大熱 (the person who seems most likely to win) {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
He is one of the front runners in the presidential election. {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
(4) Low-key︰低調
He wanted to keep the wedding low-key.
(5) Self-deprecating︰自嘲/ 自貶
(5) Self-deprecating︰自嘲/ 自貶
Self-deprecating jokes {Oxford Online}
Amour, the (6) heart-rending tale of an elderly couple coping with the wife’s (7) debilitating stroke, gave Austria the best foreign language film …
(6) Heart-rending︰令人揪心的/ 使人悲痛的
(6) Heart-rending︰令人揪心的/ 使人悲痛的
Heart-rending pictures of refugees... {iciba}
(7) Debilitating︰使衰弱的 (to make someone's body or mind or something weaker)
(7) Debilitating︰使衰弱的 (to make someone's body or mind or something weaker)
She found the heat debilitating. {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
The economy is now strengthening after a long and debilitating recession. {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
The host is always the (8) lightning rod…the Oscars … is just an awards show. Nothing more. And that's why those who hosts, no matter the praise or the outcry, will live another day … It's why the modern-day (9) nadir --James Franco and Anne Hathaway -- means nothing (10) a couple of years removed from the debacle. It means that as much as everybody loved Billy Crystal in his (11) heyday, history also will forget the fact that he came back last year and seemed painfully out of place and out of time and the absolute wrong (12) knee-jerk replacement to Eddie Murphy
(8) Lightning rod︰避雷針/ 招引批評的人 (a person or thing that attracts criticism, sometimes as a way of protecting someone else) {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
(8) Lightning rod︰避雷針/ 招引批評的人 (a person or thing that attracts criticism, sometimes as a way of protecting someone else) {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
He is a lightning rod for controversy. {iciba}
She has become a convenient lightning rod for voters' discontent. {m-w}
(9) Nadir︰低谷/ 最低點 (the lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation) {Oxford Online}
(9) Nadir︰低谷/ 最低點 (the lowest or most unsuccessful point in a situation) {Oxford Online}
This failure was the nadir of her career. {iciba}
(10) A couple of years far removed from the debacle
(10) A couple of years far removed from the debacle
Far removed︰隔了好一段時間 (adj., distant in time and space) {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
Far removed from the war era
His first performance was a debacle: the audience booed him off the stage. {iciba}
(11)Heyday︰全盛時期 (The period of greatest popularity, success, or power; prime.) {Oxford Online}
(11)Heyday︰全盛時期 (The period of greatest popularity, success, or power; prime.) {Oxford Online}
The paper has lost millions of readers since its heyday in 1964. {Oxford Online}
(12)Knee-jerk︰靠本能反應思考出來的 (responding to situations in an automatic and unthinking way) {Oxford Online}
(12)Knee-jerk︰靠本能反應思考出來的 (responding to situations in an automatic and unthinking way) {Oxford Online}
The knee-jerk reaction to this is to call for proper security in all hospitals. {iciba}
參考文章 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-21570004 http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/bastard-machine/tv-review-seth-macfarlane-wins-424058 http://news.yahoo.com/argo-wins-best-picture-scattered-oscar-night-092941224.html
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