1. 被情人拋棄 (to be jilted/ to be dumped)
2. 自暴自棄(to abandon herself to despair)
3. 暴飲暴食(to go on a binge)
4. 以淚洗面/ 淚流成河 (to cry buckets)
5. 提起這個話題(to broach this subject)
6. 看不慣(can't stand/bear the sight of)
7. 晴天霹靂(to hit somebody like a thunderbolt)
8. 一廂情願(it was a one-sided relationship)
9. 蒙在鼓里(to be kept in the dark)
10. 心懷怨恨(to be embittered)
11. 秋後算帳 (to square/ settle accounts with somebody)
12. 搶風頭 (to steal the spotlight)
13. 少食多餐 (to adopt a little-and-often approach/ to eat little and often)
14. 淡而無味(to taste bland/ insipid)
15. 咬緊牙關(to grit her teeth)
A little-and-often approach
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