Monday, 11 November 2013

一桿入洞 (A hole in one)


Today we are taking a look at an English joke. This joke is an example of a play on words - meaning that a phrase or word can can be used for more than one meaning to make a joke.

Hole in one- is used in golf when a golfer gets the ball into the hole with just one shot.

Hole in one - in this case the 'hole' means a hole in one pair of trousers.

Singular: A hole in one = a hole-in-one

Plural: Holes in one

E.g. He made/ hit a hole-in-one at St Andrews.
Few golfers make holes in one during their career.

Article quoted from:

Johnny Deep

I know his real name is Johnny Depp, but I still wonder how much deeper Mr. Johnny Deepest could go... 

Head-scratching Chinese Surnames

如今四中國領導最令外國記者頭痛的,是他們的姓現任的兩位,一個是President Who(胡主席),一個是Premier When(溫總理),一個是「誰」,一個是「何時」,外國記者讀得舌頭打轉。但那麼多年了,好不容易也習慣了。

不料,這頭剛習慣了「Who」和「When」,接着來了兩個更拗口的,一個是President She(習主席),一個是Secretary Her(賀國強書記),這一下,挑戰更大了。英語記者如果不把舌頭捋平了,簡直沒法報道新聞:「She said, I mean he said... She said Who told When... He said, oh I mean Her said, oh yeah, I mean not her said, I mean he said... Oh, my God!」

說起姓氏,我們常說的百家姓是hundred family surnames,而複姓是compound surnames。

記載家族各代成員的是族譜genealogy book,族譜內有錯綜複雜的家族圖 family tree。
族譜揭示了你跟誰有血緣關係 to have a kinship with somebody,以及一個人的出身背景 pedigree。

傳家之寶是family heirloom,會一直pass down for generations through family members。

Ordering of letters doesn't matter? How...?

What…like?  How…? 看似簡單,但很多人會將這兩種句型搞亂,合體寫成 How…like?
根據Collins DictionaryHow…? 其實已經有What…like?的意思,所以How…like?即是Like what …like?,實有畫蛇添足之嫌。

What's he like? He’s serious.
How’s he today? He’s a bit tired. (不說How’s he like today?)
這里問的是Character & Health,如果第一句答Handsome! 問的一方可能會覺得你不了解他的意思,而會繼續追問OK…So what’s he like?”

How do I look?  Fantastic! (不說How do I look like?)
What does she look like? 

How was your exam?  Fine.
What was your exam like?  Fine.
問題後可加 –ing 從句」︰
What's it like, living in Hong Kong? Brilliant.
What's living in Hong Kong like? Brilliant.
How was it, working for him? Excellent.

有一點要注意的︰如果How…like 後面緊接著名詞,句子就會變成比較 ( + noun?)。
How的意思也再不是「怎麼樣」,而是「To what extent
How is he like his father?
How is it like Florida?

順帶說說另一種 noun 的用法︰這里的how 雖然是解作「怎麼樣」,但like的意思已經不再是表示人或物件的特質。1. 表示偏好(to prefer): How do you like your coffee?
2. 表示感覺(to feel about)︰How do you like Italy?


To see/ watch a movie?

To see a movie  To watch a movie 兩種說法也可以,而事實的確如此,但原來這兩個動詞的用法也有細微的分別。To see a movie 一般隱含To go to the cinema and see a movie的意思。而To watch a movie則表示 To watch a movie at home (可能是DVD、電視或電腦)

To go to the movies (不說To go to a movieto go to movies,要說a movie則要改成To go to see a movie)
To go to the pictures (不說To go to the films)
To go to the flicks (比較舊的英式用法)
To go to the cinema
根據以上例句,the movies/ the pictures/ the cinema這三個字前面一定有the,因為這是英文的習慣用法。建議大家the movies 看成一個字,如果只說movies 而沒有the,意思就會不同了。

How about a movie?
Care to see a movie?
Would you like to go to the movies?
Let's go to the movies!
Why don't we grab a movie?
Fancy a night at the flicks?

另外, to go to的後面一般緊接一個地點,如果沒有特定的場所,則要注意。
To go on a guided walk
To go on a date
To go on a journey



The light of one's life (a much loved person) {Oxford Online}

She was his only child, the light of his life {Oxford Online}

To turn someone on (to make someone feel sexually attracted or sexually excited) {Macmillan}

He's very nice, but he just doesn't turn me on. {Macmillan}

English is a difficult language for some!

English is a difficult language for some…!

A few days ago, Prime Minister Mori had been given some Basic English conversation training before he got to visit Washington and meet President Barack Obama…

The instructor told Mr. Mori, ‘When you shake hand with President Obama, please say “How are you”. Then Mr. Obama should say, “I’m fine, and you?” Now you should say “Me too”. Afterwards, the interpreter will do the work for you.’

It looks quite simple, but the truth is…

When Mr. Mori met Mr. Obama, he mistakenly said ‘Who are you?’ (Instead of ‘How are you?’)

Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor: ‘Well, I’m Michelle’s husband, ha-ha-ha…’

Then Mr. Mori replied ‘Me too, ha-ha-ha…’

21 English accents in one take

不知大家有否看過YOUTUBE紅人Amy Walker的短片。她本身是一個演員,憑著演戲的天份,她學得「二十多口」地道的英語。以下是她的真人示範。

Accent 可以學習 (to acquire an accent),正常的情況下是從小培養(to cultivate an accent)出來,一個人又可以失去他的口音(to lose an accent)

一個人操某某口音(to have/ speak in/ speak with a ..... accent)時,口音可以是很明顯 (marked, pronounced) 或很重 (broad, strong, thick)又可以是很輕微 (slight),最厲害是一點口音的痕跡也沒有 (without a trace/ hint of an accent)
形容口音可以是鄉村的(country) 或上流社會的(posh/ plummy)Posh: typical of or belonging to the upper class {Oxford Online}
She had a posh accent

他又可以裝其他口音(to imitate/ affect/ assume/ put on a ..... accent)An Anglophile (熱愛英國的人) who had affected a British accent {Oxford Online}To assume an upper-class accent
To put on an English accent {Free Dictionary}


Piggy Bank (豬仔錢罌)

很多人說節儉是美德(Frugality is the mother of all virtues),但能堅持儲蓄(to pinch pennies)習慣的人不多。香港人每天都生活在金錢壓力下,買樓要付的首期(down payment)已是一大重擔,加上其他雜費開支(miscellaneous expenses ),每月不得不透支銀行戶口 (to overdraw your bank account),月底時會感到手頭拮据(to feel the pinch),最後只好攤長使用身上僅餘的積蓄(to stretch their savings)。以下十種方法可以為你提供儲蓄建議︰

方法一: Kill your debt first so that the money can easily be (1) re-purposed to savings
(1) To purpose: 企圖用作打算用作有意做 (have as one’s intention or objective) {Oxford Online}
God has allowed suffering, even purposed it {Oxford Online}

方法二: (2) Kick-start (3) a rainy day fund as a financial buffer
(2) To kick-start: 使重新啟動 (provide an impetus to start or resume)
The President has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates. {iciba}
The housing market needs a kick-start. {iciba}

(3) A rainy day: 艱難時刻不備之時 (used in reference to a possible time in the future when money will be needed) {Oxford Online}
Putting money by for a rainy day. {Oxford Online}

方法三: Establish an attainable time-frame to (4) knock your finances (finance s解作財政狀況) into shape.
(4) To knock ( = get/ lick/ whip) someone/ thing into shape (act forcefully to bring someone or something into a fitter, more efficient, or better-organized state) {Oxford Online}
It took him just two weeks to whip the new recruits into shape. {Oxford Ame.}
It shouldn't take long to get the company back into shape. {Oxford Ame.}

方法四: Do not wait till the end of the month to (5) stash your (6) take-home pay.
(5) To stash: 存放,儲藏,藏匿 (store safely in a secret place)
Their wealth had been stashed away in Swiss banks {Oxford}
(6) take-home pay: (扣除稅款等之後的)實發工資 (the amount of your wages or salary that is left after income tax and other payments have been subtracted) {Iciba}
He was earning £215 a week before tax: take-home pay, £170.

方法五: (7) Get into the habit of recording every expense and saving the receipts. (Opening a financial ledger or journal is not (8) rocket science!)
(7) Habit 可跟動詞acquire/ develop/ fall into/ form/ get into/ make一起用 {Ozdic}

(8) rocket science: 高深的事難做的事考驗智力的事 (something very difficult to understand) {Oxford Online}
We want you to get out and vote—it’s not exactly rocket science. {Oxford Online}

方法六: (9) Trim your expenses in order to free up (騰出) some funds for (10) big-ticket items
(9) To trim: to reduce the size, amount, number, or cost of {Oxford}
American companies looked at ways they could trim these costs... {Iciba}

(10) big-ticket: 高價的;昂貴的(constituting a major expense) {Oxford online}
Supercomputers are big-ticket items. {iciba}

方法七: (11) Bundle up the predetermined amount of cash (12) allocated for each expense with separate jars or piggy banks (豬仔錢罌).
(11) To bundle up:紮成一捆處理(to make or tie something into a bundle) (Oxford Ame.)
He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag.
(12) To allocate: 分配/分派 (to give something officially to someone or something for a particular purpose) {Oxford Ame.}
The 1985 federal budget allocated $7.3 billion for development programmes... {ICIBA}
They intend to allocate more places for older students this year.

方法八: (13) Sock your (14) hard-earned cash in an interest-bearing savings account 
(13) To sock (away): 儲蓄 (to save money)
She already has $5,000 socked away for college.

(14) Hard-earned: 辛苦得到的來之不易的 (having taken a great deal of effort to earn or acquire)
Her hard-earned money

方法九: (15) Clip high-value coupons from advertising circular (flyer/ 傳單) for store purchases.
(15) To clip: 剪下 (to cut something out of a newspaper or magazine.) {ICIBA}
Kids in his neighborhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around. {ICIBA}

方法十: Start investing to (16) ramp up enough savings to (17) weather a financial crisis
(16) To ramp up: 加強加大/  斜坡上升(to make something increase in amount) {Oxford Ame.}
The factory doesn't have that capacity to ramp up production. {ICIBA}

(17) to weather: 平安渡過挨過  (to come safely through a difficult period or experience) {Oxford Ame.}
The company has weathered the recession...  {Iciba}


富二代 (Rich Second Generation)

富二代 (Rich second generation  second-generation rich是近年內地的熱話。這些孩子多半是含著金鎖匙出生的 (to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth)。人們把他們視為滿身銅臭(to be filthy rich/ stinking rich)的黃毛小子。

Privileged (1) upbringing blamed for minors who commit crimes with (2) impunity while some warn of (3) stoking social tensions.
(1)     Upbringing:  教養 (the treatment and instruction received by a child from its parents throughout its childhood)
His attitude to sex is coloured by his strict upbringing. {iciba}
(2)     Impunity: 不受惩罚 (exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action) {Oxford Online}
If laws are not enforced, crimes are committed with impunity. {Yahoo! Dict.}
(3)     To stoke up: 撥起旺火煽起激起 (to encourage or incite (a strong emotion or tendency)
He was stoking the fire with wood. {iciba}

Stoking social tensions
He continued to stoke up hatred in his speeches. {iciba}

Many families have their (4) black sheep but few have triggered so much public anger.
(4)     Black sheep: 害群之馬敗家子敗類  (a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to it.{Oxford Online}

It is not the boy's first (5) brush with the law or public notoriety.
(5)     Brush :
(i)                   小冲突小争论小摩擦(an argument or disagreement) {iciba}
She had a nasty brush with her boss this morning.
It is his third brush with the law in less than a year.
(ii) 擦過險些遭遇 (a brief encounter with someone or something unpleasant or notable){Oxford Online}
A brush with death... {iciba}
The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy. {iciba}

He was convicted of driving an unregistered BMW without a licence and assaulting a couple after he (6) rear-ended their car.
(6)     To rear-end: 撞到的車尾 (To run into another motor vehicle from behind) {Free Dict.}

The (7) blanket media coverage of the incident and intense (8) scrutiny of the 74-year-old father and his son on the internet…
(7)     Blanket: 全面性的(covering all cases or instances; total and inclusive)
There's already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan. {iciba}日本已經全面禁止國外非技術工人入境。

The blanket coverage of the Barcelona Olympics. {Iciba}對巴賽隆那奧運會的全面報導

(8)     Scrutiny: 幑底觀察/ 高度關注 (critical observation or examination)
His private life came under media scrutiny... {iciba}

Zhuang Pinghui, Son of singer's gang rape arrest sparks debate on children of the privileged, SCMP (Sunday, 03 March, 2013, 12:00am)


偽英語 (Fake English)


碰巧又找到了這段有趣的YOUTUBE片,讓大家細味初學英文的回憶。片中絕大部份的對話也是似是而非的偽英語 (FAKE ENGLISH) ,所以聽不懂是絕對正常!

搞笑廣告: Sinking/ Thinking?


水貨客 (parallel-goods traders)


The mainland has a law to regulate Hong Kong people engaged in the (1) parallel-goods trading business.

(1) Parallel goods (又稱parallel imports grey goodsgrey-market goods): 水貨 ( goods that are imported into a country without the permission of the company that produced them, and sold at a lower price than the company sells them at) {Oxford Adv. Ame.}

既然水貨行業是parallel-goods trading business,水貨客即是parallel-goods traders
行貨是licensed/ authorized goods (網上看見有人說是dealer goods,但google找不到有關的用字,似乎前兩者用得較頻繁)
正貨是genuine goods,而假貨是counterfeit goods
另外很多人貪平吃的私煙是bootleg cigarettes私酒是bootleg liquor

Ten people were arrested on the border for (2) breaching a new restriction on (3) milk formula export that (4) came into effect on Friday.

(2) To breach: 違反 (to not keep to an agreement or not keep a promise) {Oxford Adv Ame.}
Police arrested the demonstrators for committing a breach of the peace. 
警員以破壞和平罪逮捕了示威者。 {iciba}
a breach of contract/copyright/warranty {Yahoo! Dict.}
They are in breach of Article 119. {Yahoo! Dict.}

(3) Milk formula ( formula/ formula milk ): 嬰兒奶粉(a baby’s liquid food based on cow’s milk or soya protein, given as a substitute for breast milk) {Oxford Online}
Two tins of milk formula兩罐奶粉

(4) To come into force (= to come into effect/ to enter into force) (to start being used, usually a law or rule) {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
The new regulations will come into force next month.

They blamed cross-border traders who regularly (5) buy up large amounts of the formula in Hong Kong and transport it to the mainland for a profitable resale.

(5) To buy up: 大手買入全數買入(to buy all or as much as possible of something) {Oxford Adv. Ame.}
The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could. {Iciba}

An additional 200 (6) customs officers (海關人員,注意customsS) and 14 X-ray scanners (7) were deployed at border crossing points....

(7) To deploy: 動用 (to bring into effective action) {Oxford{
Small states can often deploy resources more freely. {Oxford}

Lai Ying-Kit, Ten arrested for breaching new milk formula export restrictions, SCMP (Friday, 01 March, 2013)


皮蛋 (hundred-year egg)


(1)    我們先從煎(to fry)雞蛋開始說,兩面生熟程度的不同,叫法也不同︰
(i)Over easy : cooked on both sides/ runny yolk/ egg white fully cooked.
Over medium : cooked on both sides/ light runny yolk/ egg white fully cooked
Over well: cooked on both sides/ solidified yolk/ egg white fully cooked
Over hard: cooked on both sides/ yolk broken until hard
(ii)太陽蛋︰Sunny-side-up (cooked only on one side/ liquid yolk)

接下來是水煮 (to boil),水煮分兩種︰
(i)連殼︰Cooked with shell:
烚蛋︰Hard-boiled eggs (solidified egg white/ yolk cooked)
溏心蛋︰Soft-boiled eggs ( solidified egg white/ yolk partially liquid)

(ii)不連殼︰Cooked without shell
水煮嫩蛋︰poached egg (solidified egg white/ soft yolk)
炒蛋︰scrambled egg (beaten whites and yolks of eggs)
奄列︰omelette (beaten egg with fillings)
香港人對蛋的煮法也很講究︰早上要吃碗皮蛋(century egg/ preserved egg/ hundred-year egg/ thousand-year egg)瘦肉粥。下午有點餓,可嚐嚐街頭小食滷水蛋(soy egg)、茶葉蛋(Tea egg),又或是雞蛋仔(Eggies)。晚上回家煮一味住家菜,當然不少得蒸水蛋(water egg),嫌餸菜太淡?可以斬料加隻鹹蛋 (salted egg) 飯後甜品又有燉蛋(egg pudding)

壽星仔女要吃紅雞蛋(Red-dyed eggs),去澳門要買蛋捲(egg roll)和試試葡撻(Portuguese egg tarts),還有大家每次去台灣都會買的手信鐵蛋(Iron eggs)

2.       Wikipedia

通勝學英文 (Learn English from Chinese Almanac)

漫畫迷 (A Comic Fanatic)

又一則令人感動的新聞︰Anthony Smith小朋友聽力不健全(hearing-impaired),但他拒絕戴助聽器(hearing aid)。男孩的媽媽因為這件事很頭痛,於是寫信給兒子喜歡的英雄漫畫網站,問他們有沒有失聰的英雄可以給兒子作榜樣。出版社靈機一觸,將Anthony的名字刊登在封面,還把助聽器畫成英雄的新武器THE BLUE EAR。從此Anthony不再自卑,還很驕傲地到處向朋友展示他的「新耳朵」。

Her (1) superhero-fanatic son, who is deaf in one ear and partially deaf in the other, refused to wear his blue hearing aid because "superheroes don't wear hearing aids" either.
(1)  Fanatic ….狂熱者 (a person with an obsessive interest in and enthusiasm for a particular activity) {Oxford Online}

A fitness fanatic {Oxford Online} One cover features a younger Anthony and his buddy Hawkeye ready to fight crime. The other shows an older version of Blue Ear (2) perched on a rooftop, (3) tapping into his superpower and listening to a faraway call for help.

(2)    To perch on︰坐在頂端坐在邊緣 (to be situated above or on the edge of something) {Oxford Online}
He perched on the corner of the desk... 

(3)  To tap (into)︰(充分)利用開發 (to use or benefit from someone’s ability or a supply of information) {Macmillan}
Are you tapping your staff’s full potential? {Macmillan}These magazines have tapped into a target market of consumers. {Macmillan} Peter Parker… constantly (4) gets picked on at school…

(4)  To pick on︰故意刁難欺負 (to repeatedly single out someone for criticism or unkind treatment in a way perceived to be unfair) {Oxford Online}
要欺負就找個同級數的! Rosemann and his team collaborated with Phonak, the maker of Anthony's hearing aid, and came up with a poster to be distributed in doctors' offices across the country in an effort to (5) destigmatize kids with hearing aids. 

(5)  To destigmatize: 不讓人瞧不起使不受歧視 (to remove associations of shame or disgrace from) {Merriam-Webster}
Destigmatize mental illness {Merriam-Webster} 
